ascending | your learning intelligence platform
Curate, engage, measure, certify & sell learning. Any way, time & place.
Do more with your ascending platform
Deliver learning in
whatever format
you need
Track the entire learning journey and custom-brand
your certificates digitally
Live broadcast learning activities and offer
recordings on-demand
Communicate with
learners directly
within the platform
Increase learning with
user-generated feedback and insights
Search keywords inside a video to jump to your point of interest
Earn revenue with
knowledge assets sales to clients and members
Integrate with existing systems to future-
proof your investment
We’re more than “just an LMS”
There… we said it! We built ascending without the hangups of what a traditional learning management system should be.
Learners get an intelligent learning system that responds to how they want
and need to learn.
Learning administrators are supported with invaluable tools and services to help them do their jobs better, faster, and measure results to prove ROI.
Case Studies
Our Clients